(Required software versions: MrBeam Plugin 0.6.9 or higher.)

If the camera system was not able to detect all four pink circle markers that are inside the Mr Beam working area, it notifies you in the Mr Beam software by displaying the pink flashing circles and the message in the "preview" pane on the left. 

It is not necessary a problem, but please be aware that the accuracy of the updated camera picture might not be ideal. The rule of thumb is: the more circle markers are recognized by the camera, the more precise the picture will be. The more blinking markers you see, the less accurate the picture is probably going to be. 

What can I do?

1. Make sure that all four pink circle markers are visible to the camera. 

In the software click on Settings > Camera and check the status of your camera, especially if all four circle markers could be recognize. Check the raw camera picture (right) to see if all circles are visible to the camera. Ideally, it should look like this:

If not all pink circle markers could be recognized, these are the possible reasons:

  • It should not be hidden by your material or any other things. 
  • It is possible that the axis of the Mr Beam is positioned in a way that it hides two markers. In this case move the axis into another position by double-clicking anywhere within the working area (e.g. in home position.)
  • Sometimes even little crumbs can disturb the recognition system. (But most of the time they don't.)
  • Tip: In case the size of your material is so big that you can't help but covering some of the markers, try the following: In the software, click on Settings > Camera and change the Marker Detection to "Reliable". Open the lid and wait until the camera is able to take a reliable picture (four markers recognized) before placing your materials in the Mr Beam.

2. Improve lighting conditions. Ideally you have even lighting conditions within your Mr Beam. 

  • Avoid direct sunlight or other direct lights.
  • Make sure the environment is not too dark. 
  • TIP: You could try to improve the light situation by clicking on Settings > Camera and switching the Marker Detection to "Reliable" and by blocking out direct sunlight or hiding the interior LEDs with a sheet of cardboard, or by adding more light on a single marker (e.g. with the flashlight of your phone). Of course this will not solve the issue permanently. However once the camera system was able to get a good image and recognize all four markers, it has history data for further less ideal images. In this case you might get updated camera images even though you keep getting the accuracy warning. Try to not move the lid because this would add to the inaccuracy which can not be corrected in this case.

Please submit the camera image to Mr Beam for review

Mr Beam should have detected the circles? Please send your image to Mr Beam for review, by clicking on "Send image to Mr Beam" (see screenshot below). This will help us to understand your specific scenario so that we can train our system to get better and better. Even if you do not see an updated image in the preview, the current image will be submitted. 

Feel free to submit frequently. The more images we receive from you the better we can train Mr Beam for your environment.