In our software, there are already some pre-installed fonts that you can use anytime for Quick Text. If you ever want to add a different font, you have the option in the settings to add external fonts from your computer.

Note: You need BeamOS 2.0 or higher for this feature.

1. Install fonts

1.1 Windows

  • After downloading the desired font, it is often packaged in a ZIP folder to bundle multiple versions of the font. If necessary, unzip the folder by right-clicking on the folder and then left-clicking on "Extract."
  • Next, double-click on the desired font file, which will open a window with a preview.
  • Now, click on "Install" at the top left. The installation will then begin, and afterward, the font can be used directly.

1.2 MacOS

  • After downloading the desired font, it is often packaged in a ZIP folder to bundle multiple versions of the font. Unzip the folder in Finder if necessary by double-clicking on it.
  • Next, double-click on the desired font file, which will open a window with a preview.
  • Now, click on "Install" at the bottom right. The installation will then begin, and afterward, the font can be used directly.

1.3 Linux

  • After you have downloaded the desired font, it is often packaged in a ZIP folder to bundle multiple versions of the font. Unzip the folder using an appropriate archive program if necessary.
  • Next, double-click on the desired font file, which will open a window with a preview.
  • Now, click on "Install" at the bottom right. The installation will then begin, and afterward, the font can be used directly.

2. Find the exact name of the font

To protect your privacy, browsers do not have permission to directly list the fonts installed on your computer. However, to still be able to use them, you need the exact name of the font you want to add. Here's how you can find it:

  • Usually, fonts are named the same as the installation file. 
  • However, if you want to be absolutely sure, simply open the font file, and the name will be displayed again at the top left.
  • Alternatively, you can also open a text editor of your choice and search for your font there. The exact name will also be displayed there. In some cases, you may need to add the font weight variation as well.

3. Add and save Quick Text fonts

  • Open the "Quick Text font" tab in the settings of BeamOS. 

  • After a brief explanation of the feature, you can now start adding your installed fonts. 

  • Type in the exact name of your font and then click on the small plus sign.

Note: When typing the font name, pay attention to capitalization. If you've entered the name correctly, the text preview will appear in your chosen font.
  • Now, in the list below, you can see which fonts you have already added. 

  • From now on, you can use your added fonts as usual in the regular Quick Text feature on the workspace.

The fonts are then stored as cookies in your browser on your computer. Therefore, you can still use them even after restarting your Mr Beam. However, there are a few cases in which you may need to add the fonts again:

  • Since the fonts are stored in the browser, they cannot be transferred when you use Mr Beam with another computer.
  • For the same reason, the fonts are only saved if you use the same browser as before. However, we recommend using the Google Chrome browser to access your Mr Beam.
  • If your computer gets a new IP address, the fonts will also be lost. This usually happens only if you change the location of your computer and thus your Mr Beam (e.g., when moving).

4. Remember to adhere to font licenses

The standard fonts in Quick Text are free for personal and commercial use. It is your responsibility to respect other font licenses.

The best way to proceed:

  • Read and understand the font's license.
  • Personal vs. Commercial: Confirm if it's free for your use case. Commercial use often requires a separate license.
  • Attribution: Follow any attribution requirements specified in the license.
  • Modifications: Respect any restrictions on modifying the font.
  • Documentation: Keep a record of the font license for legal purposes.
  • Always adhere to the license terms to maintain legal and ethical use of fonts. When in doubt, seek clarification from the font creator or distributor.